Image credits: Marcelo Camargo/Agência Brasil

Enem's editorial team addresses traditional communities and becomes a topic on social media

The theme for this year's National High School Exam (Enem) was "Challenges for valuing traditional communities and peoples in Brazil". The theme was praised by indigenous leaders and educators and became a reason for criticism of Jair Bolsonaro's government on social media.

The essay is one of the points of tension for Enem participants, as the grade has great weight in the final result. And if the proposed theme is not followed, candidates can reset the text. This year, the theme – about valuing native peoples – was a surprise and has everything to do with the current moment, COP27 and government transition with the social debate as a backdrop.


Information on the topic of the text was released by the Minister of Education himself, Victor Godoy, on social media:

Quickly, the theme began to provoke reactions on social media, the vast majority of which were praise: the theme opened space for the appreciation of indigenous peoples in Brazil. The matter also raised criticism of the Jair Bolsonaro government, accused by indigenous leaders to allow mining on demarcated lands and destruction of preservation areas.

How Enem is applied

This Sunday (13), in addition to writing, participants took Language and Human Sciences tests. There are 90 questions in total. The exams began to be administered at 13:30 pm, and the deadline for students to take the test is 19 pm.


The second part of the test takes place next Sunday (20), and will have the same number of questions. On this occasion, the themes will be Natural Sciences and Mathematics.

The main gateway to public and private universities in the country, Enem has seen a gradual drop in the total number of enrolled students. There are 3,39 million in this edition, compared to a peak of 8,72 million in 2014.

A peculiarity is that this year's Enem brings together generations of students who had a large part of their high school education in distance classes, due to the pandemic that has lasted almost three years. As a result, the preparation routine had to be reinvented to overcome learning and mental health challenges.


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