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Tebet laments cuts to science; Ciro calls Bolsonaro a 'pariah captain'

Sextou with S for "without agitation"? Despite the few posts recorded today on social media by pre-candidates for the 2022 Presidency, some important issues were highlighted: investment in science, record wheat production, strengthening of culture and hunger.

Simone Tebet (MDB)

On National Science Day, Tebet lamented the recent cuts in the area of ​​science and education. In a decision last month, the federal government blocked R$2,5 billion from the National Fund for Scientific and Technological Development (FNDCT), which represents 56% of the total resources available for the fund this year. “Maintaining federal investments in the area is crucial for the future of Brazil”, he commented.


Bolsonaro (PL)

In a video, Bolsonaro declared that despite the global crisis, Brazil can be self-sufficient in wheat production in five years. According to the National Supply Company (Conab), the 2022 harvest reached 8,4 million tons, an increase of 8% compared to the previous year.

In response to criticism received from the opposition and experts regarding the PEC Kamikaze, Bolsonaro highlighted that the federal government has always sought solutions to overcome crises. According to the president, these actions were taken during the pandemic and to reduce the impacts of the Ukrainian War.

Bolsonaro attacked PT politicians who, according to him, are trying to prevent tax cuts and the approval of social aid provided for in the bill.


The president also regretted the assassination of former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe this Friday. In solidarity, Bolsonaro declared official mourning throughout the country for three days.

Ciro Gomes (PDT)

After speculation that the PDT was seeking support from federal deputy Aécio Neves (PSDB) in Ciro's candidacy for president, the PDT member stated that he does not intend to join the toucan.

Ciro presented himself, once again, as an alternative between the polarization between Bolsonaro and Lula. However, this time, he decided to appeal to the Brazilian's intelligence. “We need to change the method of debate and I’m here for that,” he wrote.


In an isolated post, the Pedetist assesses that a country needs to have its culture strengthened to be sovereign.

Tonight the last episode of the third season of The Boys aired, shown on Amazon Prime Video. Ciro took the opportunity to share a video that uses the technique of deepfake to insert Bolsonaro's face into the character Captain Patria, the villain of the series.

Squid (PT)

In ranking of World Happiness Report which measures the happiness of 146 countries, Brazil ranks 38th. Lula commented that Brazilians were once happier and more optimistic. “I want to help our people get back to the good times.”


Brazil reached 14th place in the ranking in 2014.

Lula once again commented on hunger, a recurring theme in his publications.

(Top photo: Reproduction/Pixnio)

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