Image credits: Ageu Silva

Leak of photos of Marília Mendonça's death is repudiated by fans and artists, and moves social networks

Photos from the police investigation into the plane crash that caused the death of singer Marília Mendonça were leaked onto the internet, in a criminal action. Artists and fans of the singer repudiated the attitude and a new movement against the leak emerged on social media.

Marília Mendonça died on November 05, 2021. Several images of the accident, including the singer's body, were shared on social media, even with the artist's family asking for the content not to be leaked.


“We are all shocked, just imagining the possibility of something of this nature existing, and of people capable of disseminating this type of content. Robson Cunha, the singer's lawyer, is already in contact with the authorities and will take the necessary measures to punish those responsible. Here we are not only asking, but begging you not to share this material. We are sure that all fans or non-fans of Marília Mendonça want to nurture the image of the singer's wide smile, her striking voice and her unique figure in charisma and authenticity. We count on all of you to report and not share the content,” announced the family.

 The word Marilia turned the second most talked about topic on Twitter at 10:30 am this Friday (14). At the time, 155 thousand tweets contained the singer's name.

Releasing photos of bodies is also a criminal act!

O article 212 of the Penal Code talks about the crime of vilification of a corpse, the expected penalty is imprisonment of 1 to 3 years. Furthermore, there is the aggravating factor if the objective of those who published the images was to despise and disrespect the corpse. Other compensation may be subject to legal action.


The singer's fans rescued a publication from 2019, where she talked about the fear of information leaks. In the publication, Marília said that “it’s scary to die and not be respected”.

Anitta, Wesley Safadão, Felipe Neto and several celebrities and professional colleagues of Marília asked for respect and justice for the singer.

How is the family?

This Friday (14), Ruth Moreira, mother of the singer, vented on social media about the leak.


“Everything is fine with the family, despite yesterday’s episode,” he said. Furthermore, Ruth reported that it took her a while to talk about the subject, as she was worried about Leo, Marília's three-year-old son.

The Civil Police of Minas Gerais, the state in which the singer died, issued a note informing that it had initiated an investigative procedure into the leak of the photos. “The Civil Police of Minas Gerais clarifies that it does not comply with these events and ensures that the action is being investigated to clarify and hold those involved accountable.”

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