Bolsonaro protests
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Videos reveal violent attacks on roads and Bolsonaro camps across the country

Even with actions by the Federal Highway Police and local police to prevent roadblocks, scenes of violence involving right-wing extremists are circulating on the internet. Truck drivers are attacked, vehicles are burned - including ambulances - and even civilians are being taken hostage and humiliated in the name of a patriotism that does not accept the results of the polls.

The scenes are strong and go far beyond acts of protest

Are violent attacks, armed without any police repression, like what happened to a truck driver in Rondônia:


There are a series of videos circulating on social media, in which men in green and yellow attack people, set vehicles on fire and shoot at targets they consider to be contrary to the Bolsonarista movement.

Originally tweeted by LUCIFER (@Beelzebub____666) on November 21th, 2022.

Barring students from Enem

In this other post, students who would do the Enem (National High School Examination) last Sunday (20), they had to walk kilometers under threats and humiliation from Bolsonaro supporters:

Humiliation for those who mock “patriots”

In Santa Catarina, a man was taken hostage, forced to wear the national flag and step on an MST cap amid a series of insults and humiliations:


Terrorism and black bloc tactics

The Federal Highway Police (PRF) of Santa Catarina states that the extremists used methods similar to those of 'terrorists' and 'black blocs'. According to the PRF note, most of the 30 roadblocks used homemade bombs, firecrackers, oil intentionally spilled on the road, nails, stones, as well as barricades with burned tires.

The movement black block It emerged in Europe in the 1980s and reached Brazilian cities during the 2013 protests against the increase in public transport fares. The group is known for being hooded and carrying out violent actions with the use of bombs and vandalism.

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