Newsverso Glossary: ​​a space to explain web3 and metaverse terms

Just like web3 and metaverse, the terms surrounding this new moment in the internet are still complex. Many are unknown to most of us, who are having contact with this new environment for the first time. With this in mind, Newsverso presents its Glossary. A reserved space to make web3 accessible to the population. We will constantly bring updates with the meanings and applications of metaversonic terms.

According to a search released in August this year, by the business consultancy company McKinsey & Company, 30% of the population of the Americas aged 13 to 70 have already had some experience involving the metaverse through games or virtual reality. Although a good portion of the population has at least heard of these terms, the metaverse may still be inaccessible to most people. 


Taking this into consideration, we will bring here in Newsverse a series of texts explaining terms that involve web3.

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