Pope Francis has a fever and cancels his schedule on Friday morning

Pope Francis, 86, canceled his schedule this Friday morning due to a fever, the Vatican spokesman said.

“Due to a feverish state, Pope Francis did not receive an audience this morning,” declared Holy See spokesman Matteo Bruni, without revealing what the pontiff’s planned program was.


The announcement comes two months after the pope's three-day hospitalization in Rome, at the end of March, as a result of pneumonia, overcome thanks to treatment with antibiotics.

In an interview shown on Thursday on the Spanish-language channel Telemundo, Francisco declared that the pneumonia was “treated in time” and that, if they had waited a few more hours, the situation could have been “more serious”.

Commenting on the pain in his knee, which forces him to use a wheelchair or walk with the help of a cane, the pontiff declared that he is “much better”.


Questioned about his health problems at the end of April, when he returned from a trip to Hungary, the pontiff expressed his desire to continue traveling.

From August 2nd to 6th, he will travel to Lisbon for the World Youth Days (WYD). In September, he will visit Marseille, France, and Mongolia.

The Argentine pope suffered acute pleurisy at the age of 21, which was treated with partial ablation of his right lung.


The fragile health of Jorge Bergoglio, elected pope in 2013, frequently fuels speculation about a possible resignation.

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