Image credits: Marcelo Camargo/Agência Brasil

Why did the War in Ukraine become a source of tension between the USA and Brazil?

Since President Lula (PT) was on a trip to China, a kind of diplomatic tension has been established between Brazil and the United States. The reason? Different views on the role of Russia and Ukraine in the war between nations, which is raging in Europe. Understand the 'bullshit'.

  • The president Squid held Europe and the USA by the constancy of ukrainian war;
  • On Monday (17), Lula received the minister of Russian Foreign Affairs, Sergei Lavrov, which called into question Brazil's 'neutrality';
  • And to further increase tension, in China, Lula questionor the use of the dollar as currency for transactions between the BRICS countries (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa).

Meanwhile, in the USA…

  • John Kirby, US national security spokesman, said that Brazil's position over the USA in ukrainian war it is “deeply problematic” and “misguided”;
  • Kirby said Brazil is propagating the message of Russia and China.

O Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mauro Vieira, reacted and said he completely disagreed with the American criticism.


"I don't know how or why he (Kirby) came to that conclusion. But I don't agree at all“, Vieira told journalists in Brasília. Vieira initially said he was not aware of the statements, but defended the ties between Russia and Brazil, which “this year complete 195 years of diplomatic relations”.

It is worth remembering that during the events of January 8, the USA was one of the first countries that took a stand defending the results of the polls.

Brazil refuses to supply weapons to Ukraine.

(With AFP)

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