In the spirit of the World Cup: the first soccer ball museum opens in the metaverse; check out!

The 2022 World Cup is giving people something to talk about inside and outside the physical world. Proof of this is the newest inauguration of the metaverse. Launched by Vfootballs, it is the first online soccer ball museum in the world. Launched last Tuesday, the 29th, the museum takes advantage of the World Cup calendar to engage the virtual environment.

Newsverso visited the museum; see in the video:

In this embryonic moment of the metaverse, a lot of things still attract attention, as a result, large corporations and even enthusiastic outsiders are jumping on the new bet to engage the new moment of the internet.


In the environment you can still check information about the edition of the World Cup ball

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Football Museum opens during World Cup and targets the sport's fan base

This time, the Vfootballs, with support from the Khabib Nurmagomedov Foundation, is launching a museum which brings representations of all balls used in world cups. The idea is that the museum will undergo constant updates and its next versions can offer more attractions for football fans around the world and can be considered, in fact, a football museum. 

Operating without interruption, 24 hours a day and 7 days a week, the museum wants to attract a portion of the more than 4 billion football fans around the world. Vfootballs also announced, in a statement, that the objective is to bring events into the environment, offer prizes and even broadcast games. 

Football Museum still aims to launch NFTs from balls

The museum's next step is to offer NFTs for the balls and further engage the public: “The next stage of our project is to put these digital soccer balls on sale — soon, soccer fans around the world will be able to buy exclusive NFT football inspired by the museum’s collection”, says Olga Zhilenko, Co-Founder of the project.


You enter the museum through your browser: check it out here!

Read also Brazil has a game broadcast within the metaverse

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