Childhood cancer: learn about the most common types and know how to identify the signs

February 15th is International Childhood Cancer Day, a date stipulated by Childhood Cancer International (CCI). Childhood cancer is the first cause of death from disease in children and the second cause of death in general. All over the world, entities warn of the signs of this disease which, if diagnosed early, has a high chance of cure and lower mortality among children and adolescents.

Every three minutes a child dies from cancer; each year, more than 300 children aged between 0 and 19 are diagnosed with cancer worldwide; approximately 8 in 10 children live in low- and middle-income countries, where the survival rate is almost 20%. The data are from the World Health Organization.


Information and early diagnosis are essential and can increase the chances of a cure in up to 80% of cases. This year, the National Cancer Institute (Inca) estimates that around 7.930 children and adolescents will be diagnosed with the disease in Brazil.

“It is important for parents to observe their children's behavior and return to see the same doctor in case of persistent symptoms”, advises Dr. Monica Cypriano, medical director of GRAACC.

And what are the main signs of childhood cancer?

PAHO (Pan American Health Organization) launched the “In Your Hands” campaign, together with St. Jude Children's Research Hospital and Childhood Cancer International with guidance on some of the most common symptoms:


  • fatigue
  • unexplained bruises
  • lumps or swelling
  • loss of appetite
  • persistent headache
  • dizziness
  • vomit
  • and bone pain

The most common childhood cancers have “early detectable symptoms and are highly curable with proven therapies”, says Marcela Zubieta, responsible for the Latin American network of Childhood Cancer International, cited in the statement.

What types of tests detect cancer?

Here in Brazil, the GRAACC Hospital released guidelines on the types of cancer with the highest incidence in this age group, such as leukemia, tumors of the central nervous system (CNS), lymphomas and retinoblastoma.

One of the main questions parents have is: what tests are requested by pediatricians in view of the main signs and symptoms of childhood cancer?


The hospital created a table to guide family members:

Most common types of childhood cancer:Persistent or intense signs and symptoms:Initial tests that the pediatrician may order in the face of these signs and symptoms:
LeukemiasPersistent fever, paleness, bleeding, pain in bones and joints, tiredness, purple spots on the bodyHemogram
Central nervous system tumorsHeadache, vomiting in the morning, dizziness, loss of balanceTomography or magnetic resonance imaging
LymphomasProlonged fever, weight loss, swelling in the neck, armpits and groin, cessation of bowel movements or coughing and shortness of breath.Serologies (to rule out infections), blood count, chest x-ray (in case of cough)
RetinoblastomaWhite glow in the eye when illuminated; strabismus and other eye changesFundus examination (this examination is performed by an ophthalmologist)

(With AFP)

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