Image credits: Marcelo Camargo/Agência Brasil

Deforestation alerts break record in Cerrado

The Amazon and Cerrado present opposite situations regarding deforestation. According to the National Institute for Space Research (Inpe), deforestation alerts reached a record in the Cerrado, the second largest biome in the country. In the Amazon, alerts reached the lowest rate in four years. 🌳

No Cerrado, from January to July, warnings from the Real-Time Deforestation Detection System (Deter) increased 21%.


Between August 2022 and July this year, more than 6.300 square kilometers were deforested, most of them in the Matopiba region, which covers Maranhão, Tocantins, Piauí and Bahia.

In the case of Amazon, deforestation alerts between January and July this year 42,5%. A strong change in sign since, in the previous semester, the trend was for deforestation to accelerate. Between August 2022 and July this year, Deter issued alerts for an area of ​​7.952 square kilometers.

The drop in signs of deforestation was recorded in all states of the biome.


An important difference between these two biomes, according to experts, is the legal reserve. In the Amazon, the area that must be preserved is 80% of the property. In the Cerrado, on the contrary, only 20% must be kept standing. Therefore, deforestation in the Cerrado is, to a large extent, authorized, which prevents fines from the Brazilian Institute of the Environment and Renewable Natural Resources (Ibama).

The executive secretary of the Ministry of the Environment, João Paulo Capobianco, informed that the government is working to launch a plan in October to combat deforestation in the Cerrado.

(With Brazil Agency)

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