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Curto Green: for you to stay up to date with the main news about the environment

Vertebrate animals, such as dogs, rats and rabbits, can no longer be used in scientific research or in the development and quality control of personal hygiene products, cosmetics and perfumes. The resolution was published in last Wednesday's (1st) edition of the Official Gazette of the Union (DOU) and the new rules are effective immediately. A great victory for the animal cause! 🐾 This and other themes were highlights of the environmental agenda of the Curto News this week. Check out our 'Curto Green'! 🌱

➡️ BNP Paribas is the target of legal action, brought by a series of NGOs that denounce the French financial institution for financing Marfrig, a giant in the Brazilian agri-food sector. The company is accused of contributing to deforestation, appropriation of indigenous lands and forced labor, according to a complaint made by NGOs.



Is air pollution making us lose our sense of smell? 🤔New research reveals the true damage caused by the pollution we breathe every day. #CurtoNews

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➡️ Blue whales colliding with ships, elephants invading villages are some of the situations that the climate crisis is causing: an increase in conflicts that cause injuries and even deaths of humans and wild animals. This is what an article published in the magazine revealed Nature Climate Change, which analyzed 49 of these cases. Understand. 🐘

➡️ US$313 billion. 💰 This is the economic loss caused by natural disasters in 2022, according to the new edition of the report Weather, Climate and Catastrophe Insight, prepared by corporate risk manager Aon. The value is 4% higher than the XNUMXst century average and reinforces the need for companies and governments to be increasingly aware of these risks.

➡️ Antarctic sea ice shrank last week to its lowest extent in 45 years of satellite records, American scientists stated this Monday (27). Sea ice melt is problematic because it helps accelerate global warming. 😖


➡️ The planet's forests face common threats, related to global warming, economic exploitation and deforestation. 🌳 Check out data and numbers that portray the reality of sanctuaries that occupy just under 1/3 of global land.

➡️ After an exceptionally long period of the La Niña climate phenomenon, which intensified drought and rain, a possible return of the El Niño heat episode threatens to break temperature records around the world – warned the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) this Wednesday (1st). ☀️

➡️ The vegan and vegetarian marketariain Brazil it continues to grow, according to the Veget Societyariain Brazil (SVB). 2021 data from Intelligence in Research and Consulting (Ipec) showed that 46% of Brazilians already stop eating meat of their own accord at least once a week. 🐄


➡️ Scientists look for microbes in marine sediments, bacteria that live in symbiosis with a mollusk or hidden in the secretions of a sponge, molecules that could help in revolutionary cancer treatment or the manufacture of a new antibiotic. Current UN negotiations on a treaty to protect the high seas have put these investigations under the spotlight.

➡️ In the Earth Charter, published this week by Earth News, Lourival Sant'Anna talks about her conversation with professor Celso Lemme, from the COPPEAD Institute of Administration, at UFRJ. The entity is one of the institutions participating in a study that concluded that, if Brazil does not reach the goal of zero illegal deforestation by 2030 and does not reduce emissions caused by other activities, it will not reach the so-called “net zero”, or net zero , in 2050.


Tragedy in sight: numbers show why rising sea levels threaten us all. 😞 #CurtoNews

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➡️ The United Statespromehad, at the “Our Ocean” world conference in Panama, to allocate almost US$6 billion (R$31 billion) to protect the seas and combat threats such as pollution and illegal fishing.


➡️ UN Member States reached an agreement this Saturday (4) to create the first international treaty for the preservation of the high seas, aimed at combating the threats that affect ecosystems vital to humanity. 🌊 Understand!

follow the Survive) to stay informed about everything you need to know about the environment, sustainability and other topics linked to our survival and that of the planet. Have a great weekend! ????

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