Image credits: Marcelo Camargo/Agência Brasil

AGU establishes group focused on protecting biomes

The Federal Attorney General's Office (AGU) established a group of 27 lawyers who will work primarily on actions aimed at repairing environmental damage and punishing offenders. The idea is to expand the range of actions aimed at protecting Brazilian biomes. The AGU-Recupera strategic group will be responsible for adopting legal measures to protect Brazilian biomes and cultural heritage.👨‍⚖️🌳

The team includes 19 federal prosecutors and 8 Union lawyers, responsible for working primarily in “causes of the Union, Ibama, ICMBio and Iphan that involve the repair of environmental damage and the punishment of environmental offenders in the Amazon, Cerrado, Pantanal, Caatinga, Pampa and Atlantic Forest biomes, in addition to also acting in processes that concern Brazilian cultural heritage".


Among the duties envisaged for the AGU-Recupera are to file and monitor the progress of actions, prepare procedural documents, respond to summonses and subpoenas, make orders, participate in hearings, carry out oral arguments and monitor trial sessions of relevant actions in environmental and cultural heritage matters.

Proposing measures and strategies to improve judicial action in environmental matters; the coordination of legal consultancy activities between the Union, Ibama, ICMBio and Iphan, in particular for the provision of information that supports judicial action in cases involving the entities.

According to a note from AGU, the group will have the task of improving AGU's institutional coordination with public administration bodies and entities that formulate and execute environmental and cultural heritage policies; and to propose training initiatives in environmental matters to the AGU School.


(To Agency Brazil)

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