Climate education was the topic of a hearing by the Environment and Education committees — Photo: Vinicius Loures/Chamber of Deputies
Image credits: Photo: Vinicius Loures/Chamber of Deputies

Experts advocate reformulating teaching to expand content on climate change

Experts consulted by the Education and Environment and Sustainable Development committees of the Chamber of Deputies defended the reformulation of teaching to expand content on climate change.

The Public Policy analyst at the Talanoa Institute, Taciana Stec, stated that it is necessary to rethink the teaching of subjects in classrooms. “There is no longer any way for us to teach science without talking about climate change. There is no way to talk about geography and geopolitics in the classroom today, without talking, for example, about climate refugees. When we talk about water resources, we cannot help but address municipalities and states that are experiencing water crises,” he declared.


The Director of Educational Policies at Instituto Península, Mariaat Breim, stated that the topic of environmental education as a whole has reached the classroom in the wrong way. She defended the training of teachers on the topic.

“Environmental education is the subject of isolated classes. Environmental education has reached children with a load of fear and a load of guilt that does not belong to them. 'Turn off the tap because the world's water is going to run out, the glaciers are melting, the animals are disappearing', it's scary. No one takes care of what they don't know and love. The path is different”, said Mariaat Breim.

the deputy Help Neri (PP-AC), who requested the debate, highlighted the need for different strategies to serve the entire country. “We need to think about several strategies, in several possibilities, in various configurations, to reach everyone who needs to be reached, in the sense of building this mentality for environmental integrity.”


Professor of Science and Ecology, Alcantara Cay, from the Brazilian Coalition for Climate Education, highlighted the importance of critical education. For example, according to him, there is a lot of talk about “human beings” being to blame for the climate crisis and the loss of biodiversity, when the fact is that 10% of the population are responsible for half the problem.

The environmental analyst Neusa Helena Rocha Barbosa, from the Department of Environmental Education and Citizenship of the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change, stated that environmental education encompasses several others, such as climate, forestry and water protection. According to her, environmental education cannot be a specific discipline in the classroom, it is necessary to work on transdisciplinarity.

Global emergency

Student Débora, from Escola Classe 403 Norte, in Brasília, attended the debate in the Chamber of Deputies with an appeal. “We are facing a global emergency. The human way of life is directly impacting the functioning of our planet. Our individualistic and separated way from nature is causing the disappearance of several species around the world. We urgently need to make changes in favor of the continuity of life. We no longer have time to wait.”


Débora is in her fifth year of elementary school and could reach adulthood living in a country – and a world – very different from what we see today. Among the student's requests is more political will to stop deforestation and fires in Brazil.

(With Agência Câmara de Notícias)

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