Government wants deforestation control plan for all biomes

In preparation for the 28th United Nations Conference on Climate Change (COP28), President Lula had a meeting, this Wednesday (22), with representatives of entities from all Brazilian biomes that work to preserve the environment. According to the Minister of Environment and Climate Change, Marina Silva, the government's commitment is to have plans to prevent and control deforestation and sustainable development for all biomes.

“The big challenge is how do we ensure that the protection of our biodiversity, the protection of our forests, the protection of traditional populations is accompanied by a new model of development, where the fight against inequality, the fight against poverty, is one of the tools for protecting the environment”, said the minister in a conversation with journalists after the meeting at Palácio do Planalto.


The plan to combat deforestation in Amazon was released in june and is being implemented and, according to the minister, has already resulted in a reduction in deforestation by 49,5% in the first 10 months of the year. The plan of Cerrado has also been completed and should be released soon. The other plans – Caatinga, Pantanal, Atlantic Forest and Pampa – should be ready by June 2024.


COP28 should take stock of the implementation of the Paris Agreement – ​​established at COP 21 in 2015). According to Marina Silva, Brazil must reinforce its commitment to maintain the increase in the global average temperature at 1,5°C above pre-industrial levels, with a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions, in addition to charge resources for repair and for a just transition for developing countries.

“We have already achieved a reduction of 250 million tons of carbon dioxide in these 10 months of government with the reduction in deforestation, but we do not want to settle for the results already achieved. Our commitment is to zero deforestation, our commitment is to protect the Cerrado, the Atlantic Forest, the Caatinga, the Pantanal, the Pampa and all Brazilian biomes, with an eye on the oceans”, said the minister.


According to data from the National Institute for Space Research (Inpe), deforestation in the Legal Amazon, from August 2022 to July 2023, reached 9.001 square kilometers (km²), which represents drop of 22,3% compared to the previous year (2021 / 2022).

According to the Secretary for Combating Deforestation at the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change, André Lima, deforestation and fires are responsible for more than 50% of the country's gas emissions. “So, by significantly reducing deforestation and burning in Brazil, we will make the greatest contribution that a country has ever made in such a short space of time to reducing emissions on a global scale”, he said, explaining that the Amazon and Cerrado, together , are responsible for more than 85% of all deforestation in the national territory. After them, Pantanal and Caatinga are more accelerated in vegetation suppression.

COP 28 is scheduled to take place in Dubai, in the United Arab Emirates, between November 30th and December 12th. President Lula is expected to participate on December 1st and 2nd, during the summit meeting with 140 heads of state and government. Brazil will have a delegation with around 1,5 participants from civil society, private companies, the National Congress, state governments and the federal government.


Vulnerable municipalities

Minister Marina Silva also informed that she is working on identifying Brazilian municipalities that are more vulnerable to extreme climate effects, such as intense rains and droughts. According to her, a climate emergency could be declared in just over a thousand municipalities so that they receive priority treatment in the implementation of public policies.

The identification of these locations is being carried out in partnership with the National Center for Natural Disaster Monitoring and Alerts (Cemaden), a body linked to the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation.

(With Brazil Agency)

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