vegan diet
Image credits: Freepik

English NGO launches partnership with Brazilian companies to make vegan diet cheaper 

Veganuary, an English non-governmental organization (NGO) that promotes plant-based eating around the world, is inaugurating a partnership with Brazilian companies to make access to various vegan products in the country cheaper.

The initiative will begin on August 22nd, when the organization launches the campaign “Animal Milk Free Week”, in celebration of World Plant-Based Milk Day, which takes place on the same date. 


The partnership between Veganuary and companies that are vegan or that have at least one vegan item in their catalog debuts with seven brands: Viveg, Plant Choice, Queijos da Terra, Happig, Atlantikos, Chocolife and Natural Mente Veg. Brands will offer discounts between 10% and 15% during the week of August 22nd to 29th, and some will extend the deadline until November.

“We hope to strengthen the collective message of more conscious and respectful food choices. We believe that the combined efforts of different companies increases the visibility of vegan products and helps to create a more significant positive change in the food industry”, he says Bruna Pesci, founder Natural Mente Veg. And he adds: “By collaborating with other companies aligned with our values, we can inspire more people to consider vegan alternatives, promoting a healthier and more sustainable lifestyle.”

campaign objective

The objective of the campaign is to draw attention to the real cost of consuming products of animal origin and, especially, raising dairy cattle for the health of people and the planet. It is already known that farmed animals are responsible for around 14% of human-induced climate emissions worldwide. And that 65% of all emissions greenhouse gases of farm animals come from cows. 


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