vegan dogs
Image credits: Canva

Making all dogs in the world vegan: a solution to reduce greenhouse gas emissions?

Recent research has revealed that adopting a vegan diet for dogs around the world could result in a significant reduction in greenhouse gas emissions, surpassing the UK's total emissions. This research emphasizes the environmental benefits of a plant-based diet for pets.

The study estimated that dogs and cats consume about 9% of all land animals killed for food – about 7 billion animals annually – as well as billions of fish and aquatic animals. Plant-based diets reduce carbon emissions greenhouse gases, in addition to requiring less land and water.


The search of University of Winchester calculated that if all the dogs in the world became vegan, an area of ​​land larger than the territory of Mexico would be freed and more freshwater than all available in Denmark would be saved, it would be possible to feed around 450 million additional people – more than the entire population of the European Union.


Would making all dogs in the world vegan be a solution to reducing greenhouse gas emissions? 🤔

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Furthermore, according to the study published in the scientific journal Plos One, if all the cats in the world became vegan, we would save more emissions than those produced by New Zealanda.

Cats and dogs are biologically omnivores and carnivores, respectively, and – until recently – it was difficult for them to follow a vegan diet. However, vegan pet foods have developed in recent years, with the vegan dog food market valued at £11,5 billion in 2023, and projected to reach £21 billion by 2033.


vegan dogs

The teacher Andrew Knight, the veterinarian who led the study, said many pet owners were unaware of the “profound environmental impacts” caused by what their animals eat.

“Pet owners who care about the environment or the health of their pets should consider nutritionally sound vegan foods,” he said.

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