Elections 2022
Image credits: Agência Brasil

ACM becomes target in debate for saying he is brown

The declaration of candidate for the government of Bahia ACM Neto (União Brasil) as brown resulted in wear and tear during the last debate, before the first round, on TV Bahia, the day before yesterday. Called "Afroconvenient" by former ally and now opponent João Roma (PL), Neto said that he was friends with the former minister for 20 years and that "his main characteristic is disloyalty and thirst for power".

In response, Roma stated that he “spent 20 years cleaning the floor for ACM Neto” and that the former mayor of Salvador has “a desire for power”. The former minister also said that, when he was invited by Jair Bolsonaro to take over the Citizenship portfolio, Neto was against it. “It could be anyone, as long as it wasn’t me, the friend”


Roma mocked Neto when he stated that, in 20 years of friendship, he had never heard him say he was a “nigga”. According to Neto, he has declared himself brown since 2016.

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