Americanas removes company directors; find out more at Curto Flash

Americanas removed six executives to prevent them from "contaminating" the investigations into the billionaire scam. See more at Curto Flash, our selection of the main headlines of the moment.

Breach investigation

Americanas decided to remove six executives and directors from the company's financial and accounting area and its subsidiaries on Friday (3), to prevent them from “contaminating” the investigations into the billion-dollar fraud that led the retailer to file for judicial recovery. The period in which they will be away from the company or even their return is subject to the investigations being carried out. (Estadão) 🚥


Pix offline

Customers from several banks used social media to complain about instability in Pix payments. The problems started around 20:30 pm on Friday(3), according to user posts. According to the Central Bank, service returned to normal at 21:45 pm. (g1)

However, complaints of instability continued this Saturday morning (4):

Government of SP

The governor of São Paulo, Tarcísio de Freitas (Republicans), sanctioned on Friday (3) a law that obliges bars, restaurants and nightclubs to help women who are suffering from a situation of violence there. The law makes it mandatory for employees to be trained to identify and combat cases of sexual harassment and violence against women. (g1)


Daniel Alves case

Daniel Alves escaped being investigated in a second case for sexual assault in Spain. He has been provisionally detained for two weeks accused of this crime.

The friend of the woman who initially denounced the player preferred not to go ahead with her own accusation at the moment. She told Spanish judge Maria Concepción Canton Martín that she considers the investigation into what happened to the first woman to be a priority. (UOL)

Blow to family members in the Boate Kiss case

The Civil Police of Santa Maria (RS) is investigating alleged criminals who are trying to scam family members of victims and survivors of the fire at Kiss Nightclub – which celebrated its 10th anniversary last week.


The scammers pretend to be employees of a lawyer who represents some families. In the messages, they say that legal actions resulted in compensation ranging from R$70 to R$500. However, in order for the amounts to be released, they requested bank transfers citing pending tax issues. (UOL)

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