Brazilians and AI: Fear and hope coexist amid the growing presence of technology
Image Credits: Curto News/Bing AI

Brazilians and AI: Fear and hope coexist amid the growing presence of technology

While 67,8% of Brazilians believe that artificial intelligence (AI) can improve the work environment and increase creativity and productivity, 43% fear losing their jobs to technology. The Game Brasil 2024 Survey, carried out with 13.360 people across Brazil, offers a detailed overview of Brazilians' relationship with AI in different aspects of life.

Trust in AI for the future

  • 67,8% of respondents believe that AI can improve the work environment and make people more creative and productive.
  • 59,5% approve of the use of AI in schools and in the learning process.
  • 59,7% of respondents feel that AI is completely linked to their daily lives.
  • 58,7% have used location apps that use AI, such as Google Maps and Waze.
  • 55,8% have already used customer self-service bots and virtual assistants, such as Siri and Alexa.
  • 27,3% have already used AI tools like ChatGPT to generate texts, images and sounds.

Concern about the impact on the job market

  • 43% of Brazilians fear losing their jobs to artificial intelligence.
  • Only 7,4% disagree with the idea that AI can replace workers in some roles.

The research also highlights the growing interest in AI in Brazil

  • The Brazilian population is 15% more interested in artificial intelligence compared to other countries.

O study highlights the need for an open and broad dialogue about the future of AI in the country, seeking to balance the technology's potential with society's concerns.


It is crucial that governments, companies and educational institutions work together to ensure that AI is used ethically and responsibly, to the benefit of everyone.

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