Yanomami emergency: health commission is in Roraima to monitor the health crisis

The working group created by the National Health Council (CNS) arrived in Roraima this week to meet with local indigenous leaders. The proposal is to monitor actions carried out in the Yanomami Indigenous Land amid the state of health emergency, decreed in January due to a serious health crisis. The group should return to Brasília on Saturday (20).

The group fulfills a meeting agenda that includes a meeting with the state's Special Secretariat for Indigenous Health, the Special Indigenous Health District (Dsei), the Public Health Emergency Operations Center (COE/Yanomami), the National Peoples Foundation Indigenous Peoples (Funai), the District Indigenous Health Council (Condisi) and state and municipal health advisors.


“Since 2020, the CNS has met with researchers, academics, representatives of the Ministry of Health, Funai and the Federal Public Ministry (MPF) to denounce the serious situation faced by the Yanomami in the territory, where they are fighting against the spread of illegal mining, mercury contamination, threats from miners, hunger and malnutrition,” the council said in a note.

“There were also countless requests for help made by the Yanomami to the former president, all of which were ignored and unanswered. The CNS also denounced to the National Human Rights Council (CNDH), the Brazilian Legislative and Judiciary powers and international bodies for the defense of human rights the previous government's disregard and omission towards this population”, said the council.

(Source: Agência Brasil)

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