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Pollution causes 1,2 premature child deaths per year in Europe

Air pollution causes more than 1,2 premature deaths annually in children and young people under the age of 18 in Europe, according to data published this Sunday (23) by the European Environment Agency (AEA).

“Children and adolescents are particularly vulnerable to air pollution because their bodies, organs and immune systems are still developing,” warns the agency.


O study (*) shows that although the number of deaths in this age group is relatively low compared to others, it represents a loss of future potential and a significant burden of chronic disease, both in childhood and later.

Children's lung functions are mainly affected by ozone and nitrogen dioxide, in curto term, and by airborne fine particles in the long term.

“Maternal exposure to air pollution during pregnancy is linked to the risk of premature birth and low birth weight babies. It also increases the risk of serious problems later in life, including asthma, reduced lung function, respiratory infections and allergies,” the agency reports.


The institution, based in Copenhagen, Denmark, warned of the need to improve air quality around schools and kindergartens, as well as during different activities.

The report highlights that, despite improvements in recent years, the level of air pollutants remains high compared to World Health Organization (WHO) recommendations in many European countries, especially in the center and east, as well as in Italy.

Among the causes is the burning of fuels such as coal for domestic heating and industrial use.


More than 90% of the urban population in the European Union (EU) is exposed to harmful levels of nitrogen dioxide, ozone and fine particles, according to 2021 data.

(With Brazil Agency)

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(*): Content in other languages ​​translated by Google Tradutor

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