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Sexuality: subject left the BBB and ended up on the networks; understand some terms

Big Brother Brasil is an endless source of controversies and topics for discussions within the group of friends, between family members, couples and so on... and in this year's edition the participants shared with the public an issue that caught attention: their sexual orientations. Terms appeared among the conversations that may still be unknown to many. O Curto helps you understand!

If you watch the 23rd edition of Big Brother Brazil (BBB23) You will notice, in just a few episodes, an interesting diversity when it comes to sexuality.


Although the majority of participants consider themselves heterosexual – interested in the opposite sex – other nomenclatures are present in personal identifications, such as bisexual, sapiosexuals e demisexuals

Do you know what these terms mean? 🤔 Let's go:


gabriel santana was one of the first participants in the edition to declare bisexual. At the first party at the most watched house in the country, he kissed Fred Nicacio and got dumped Paula Freitas.


The individual manifests bisexual when you have romantic or sexual attraction to more than one gender. A person can be attracted to both men and women, sometimes more to one than the other, or even equally attracted.

A bisexuality it can also be broad, coming very close to the concept of pansexuality – when a person is attracted to anyone on the spectrum, whether cisgender (those who identify with all aspects of their birth gender) or not (trans and homosexuals, for example) .


Fred Nicacio is gay and demisexual. He is attracted to men and demisexuality It doesn't change that, it just changes how he relates to people.


Demisexuality This is when a person only feels sexual attraction to someone they have an emotional or affective connection with.

O Curto News I've already brought this topic here, explored by Gio Ewbank and Fe Paes Leme, in 'Quem Pode, Pod'. ⤵️


key alves declared himself sapiosexual and many people had never heard of the term. Although little known, there are other celebrities who are on the same spectrum, such as Bela Gil.


People sapiosexuals They are those who only feel attracted to those they consider intelligent and/or educated. In this case the intellect is the fundamental.

Just as for the demisexuals, sapiosexuality can be adopted by others, as bisexual, heterosexuals, homosexuals and others.

@curtonews Glossary of terms about #sexuality: ♬ original sound – Curto News

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