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AI can help first-time dads prepare; know how

See prompts and artificial intelligence (AI) tools for first-time parents to prepare.

The increasing availability of text-generating artificial intelligence is offering a new perspective for new parents looking for guidance and advice. With the advancement of technology, platforms such as ChatGPT and similar are becoming valuable resources for parents seeking accurate, practical information about caring for babies and children.


There are also several tools for artificial intelligence which can optimize parents' time on day-to-day tasks so that they can dedicate more time to their children. Furthermore, creative uses for AI in childcare are still possible, for example to search for different recipes when educating a child's taste buds, create games and games with the ChatGPT, create bedtime stories with Midjourney, Among others.

Here are some examples of how AI can help new parents:

Creation of activities and games

Keeping a child entertained can be a challenging task for first-time parents and can lead to a lot of emotional stress when this moment of family interaction is not well planned. In this context, text-generating AIs such as ChatGPT can suggest some starter activities for new parents and alternative ways to keep a child entertained.


It is also possible to adapt the games to the space in which the family lives, as well as use image-generating AIs such as Midjourney to create board games and short stories.

These are some prompts for creating children's games with AI:

“I need sensory play ideas for my 6 month old baby. I want simple activities that stimulate their senses, such as touch, vision and hearing. Can you suggest some options we can make at home with common items?”


“I'm planning an art activity for my 3-year-old son. I want something that entertains you and stimulates your creativity. Do you have suggestions for simple projects we can do together at home?”

Meal ideas

Another point that can cause difficulty for first-time parents in preparing a household routine is organizing meals suited to a child's palate. 

Use tools like ChatGPT, Let's Foodie and others can help both in creating creative recipes and organizing purchases to prepare meals throughout the week.


Here are some prompts for preparing children's recipes with AI:

“I'm looking for ways to plan my 3-year-old's meals and snacks throughout the week. Could you suggest creative and healthy dishes, as well as tips to involve you in meal preparation?”

“I need guidance on planning my 9-month-old baby’s meals throughout the week. Could you provide food suggestionsariados and simple recipes that meet your nutritional needs?”


Ways to start conversations

Finally, maintaining a constant dialogue is the bridge to a healthy relationship of trust between father and child. However, this task can prove challenging for first-time parents or when they do not have the necessary patience to carry out the conversation.

Some AIs can suggest ways to start a conversation with a child in a way that they understand, as well as offering alternatives to starting a conversation about a more delicate topic (screen time, organization, healthy eating, etc.).

Here are some example prompts for starting a conversation with a child using AI:

“I'm trying to establish a bedtime routine for my son, but I likearia to approach this subject in a more fun and interactive way. Can you suggest a story or activity that helps explain the importance of sleep and create a peaceful bedtime atmosphere?”

“I'm looking for creative ways to talk to my son about healthy habits, like balanced eating and limits on screen time. Can you help me create a fun story or characters that address these themes in a fun and educational way?”

AI tools for first-time dads

Deep Dream Generator: the tool that turns your dreams into images

O Deep Dream Generator is an artificial intelligence (AI) platform that allows you to create images based on commands. With it, you can generate images from scratch, using a random prompt, or even use a photo as a base to create your art. Furthermore, the platform works as a social network and features a feed where users can share their creations and interact with each other.

O Deep Dream Generator will allow the user to create games, activities and stories that stimulate the child's imagination in a quick and practical way.

Perplexity AI: artificial intelligence that cites source of answers

Perplexity AI is a free chatbot based on the GPT-3.5 model, the same available through ChatGPT, which acts as a search engine. It is a tool designed to assist users in searching for information on the web.

The tool can help first-time parents as a way to quickly and easily search for information to optimize their organization when caring for a child.

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