Image credits: Rovena Rosa/Agência Brasil

Unemployment stands at 8,4% in the quarter ending in January, the lowest rate in the period since 2015

The unemployment rate, or unemployment, was 8,4% in the quarter that ended in January, which means 9 million Brazilians are without a job. In comparison with the previous quarter (ended in October last year) there was stability, but for the period (November to January) it is the lowest unemployment rate since 2015, according to IBGE.

“This stability would still be a repercussion of the reduction in demand for work in the months of November and December 2022 compared to the beginning of 2023″, explains Adriana Beringuy, coordinator of IBGE's Pnad Contínua.


The employment level – which measures the percentage of people who are working – was 56,7%, practically the same as that recorded in the same quarter of 2016.

The number of employed people was 98,6 million, which represents a drop of 1 million people compared to the quarter ended in October.

“This combined effect between the stability of the unemployed population and the reduction in the number of workers, left the unemployment rate stable”, explained Adriana Beringuy.


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