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The thing about biodiversity: what is it? What is its relationship with human existence?

Biodiversity is the magic ingredient that allows the world to run smoothly. But if it's so important, why aren't we doing everything we can to conserve it? O Curto News explains the scale of this problem.

Updated May 22, 2023

the loss of biodiversity unprecedented increases in pollution and climate change prove the symbiotic relationship between humans and nature.


O human right to a clean, healthy and sustainable environment can only be assured where the biodiversity thrives and ecosystems are healthy.

But do you know what biodiversity is?

Video by: WWF-Brazil

The word biodiversity is a contraction of “biological diversity” and was first used in 1985system. (WWF)

But it is more than plants, animals and microorganisms and their ecosystems – it's about people and our need for food security, medicine, fresh air and water, shelter, and a clean, healthy environment in which to livesystem. (Convention on Biological Diversity*)


The air we breathe, the food we eat, the energy we use and the materials we need for all purposes are all the result of the interaction of this biodiversity.

Without plants, for example, we would not have oxygen. Without bees and other insects, we would not have crops, we would not have food. Without fungi, we would not have the decomposition and recycling of materials. (Greenpeace Brazil)

And the most ironic thing about it all: a large part of Earth's biodiversity is at risk due to human action – which disrupts and even destroys ecosystems!


 See what are some of the main threats to biodiversity:

In Brazil, the Amazon – the most biodiverse forest in the world – has been suffering severe impacts due to the brutal advance of deforestation and the record number of fires.

A area of ​​Amazon Forest deforested in 2022 was the largest in the last 15 years and, between January and July this year, a 7% increase in the area consumed by fire in the forest was recorded.

But then, if we all depend on biodiversity, what could this loss mean?

The reduction in biodiversity means that we are facing a future with high risks related to food security, diseases, natural disasters, air and water quality.


Furthermore, biodiversity loss also threatens the livelihoods of billions of people and creates risks for the economy.

The consequences are so many that it is difficult to be brief.

To summarize, we can say that, if we follow this path – of regression, destruction and encouragement of environmental crime – we will undoubtedly head towards a future in which our very survival will be at risk. 

Video by: EDP

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