Upland launches São Paulo into the metaverse

The Upland platform began selling 23 plots of land in São Paulo within the metaverse on Thursday (25). The platform's objective is to expand its user base, which currently has 4 million players.

A web3 platform real estate simulates the real cartography of the world within the metaverse, and already has several cities spread out there. Recently Upland launched Buenos Aires after Argentina won the World Cup. For now, São Paulo will only have four neighborhoods available to users: Itaim Bibi, Liberdade, Sé and Cambuci.


Upland wants to expand business

The platform hopes to welcome new users to expand business and bring celebrities and events to the capital of São Paulo, now metaversenica too. For Ney Neto, director of operations at Upland in Latin America, “The opening of São Paulo brings many possibilities for entrepreneurs who want to start their businesses in the metaverse. And for brands that are still analyzing how to carry out good activations in this new space. Stores, digital experiences and interactive games are some of these opportunities. Upland has also been creating chances to transform lives in the real world, combining digital economy, innovation and ESG”.

Tourist attractions are not yet available for visits in the capital of São Paulo in the metaverse, spaces such as the Centro Cultural Banco do Brasil, Pátio do Colégio, Edifício Copan, Fiesp, Edifício Itália, MASP, Pinacoteca, Teatro Municipal and Catedral da Sé will be launched soon .

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